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(multiple choices allowed)
- Philosophy, History, Literature
- Education, Psychology
- Law, Economics, Business Administration, Sociology
- Science
- Engineering
- Agriculture
- Medicine
- Art and Design
- Physical Education, Health and Sport Sciences
- Informatics and Information Science
- Environmental Sciences
- Professional Schools
- English-taught Programs
- Recurrent Education
- Tsukuba Campus
- Tokyo Campus
*Do not choose if you chose a discipline above
(multiple choices are not allowed)
Choose education and research fields, including related fields (medium-sized section)
(multiple choices allowed)
- Philosophy and Art
- Literature and Linguistics
- History, Archaeology and Museology
- Geography, Cultural Anthropology and Folklore
- Law
- Political Science
- Economics and Business Administration
- Sociology
- Education and Special Needs Education
- Psychology
- Algebra and Geometry
- Analysis and Applied Mathematics
- Condensed Matter Physics
- Plasma Science
- Particle-, Nuclear- and Astro-Physics
- Astronomy
- Earth and Planetary Science
- Mechanics of Materials, Production Engineering and Design Engineering
- Fluid Engineering and Thermal Engineering
- Mechanical Dynamics and Robotics
- Electrical and Electronic Engineering
- Civil Engineering
- Architecture and Building Engineering
- Aerospace Engineering and Marine and Maritime Engineering
- Social Systems Engineering, Safety Engineering and Disaster Prevention Engineering
- Materials Engineering
- Chemical Engineering
- Nano/Micro Science
- Applied Condensed Matter Physics
- Applied Physics and Engineering
- Nuclear Engineering, Earth Resources Engineering and Energy Engineering
- Physical Chemistry and Functional Solid State Chemistry
- Organic Chemistry
- Inorganic/Coordination Chemistry and Analytical Chemistry
- Polymers and Organic Materials
- Inorganic Materials Chemistry, Energy-Related Chemistry
- Biomolecular Chemistry
- Agricultural Chemistry
- Agricultural and Environmental Biology
- Forestry and Forest Products Science and Applied Aquatic Science
- Agricultural Economics and Rural Sociology and Agricultural Engineering
- Veterinary Medical Science and Animal Science
- Biology at Molecular to Cellular Levels
- Biology at Cellular to Organismal Levels
- Biology at Organismal to Population Levels and Anthropology
- Neuroscience
- Pharmaceutical Sciences
- Biomedical Structure and Function
- Pathology and Infection/Immunology
- Oncology
- Brain Sciences
- General Internal Medicine
- Organ-Based Internal Medicine
- Internal Medicine of the Bio-Information Integration
- Surgery of the Organs Maintaining Homeostasis
- Surgery Related to the Biological and Sensory Functions
- Oral Science
- Society Medicine and Nursing
- Sport Sciences, Physical Education and Health Sciences
- Biomedical Engineering
- Information Science and Computer Engineering
- Human Informatics
- Applied Informatics
- Environmental Analyses and Evaluation
- Environmental Conservation Measure
- Area Studies and Japanese Studies
- International Relations
- Business Sciences
- Mathematics of Information
- Mathematical Statistics
- Instrumentation Physics
- Policy and Planning Sciences
- Service Engineering
- Urban Planning
- Computer Science
- Cybernics
- Science Communication
- Bioinformatics
- Evolutionary Biology
- Microbiology
- Plant Science
- Food Science
- Animal Life Science
- Disability Sciences
- History and Theory of Art, Fine Arts and Design
- Design
- Cultural and Natural Heritage Studies
Degree Program Listing
Please click the degree program name to see detailed information
- Degree Programs in Humanities and Social Sciences
- Degree Programs in Business Sciences
- Degree Programs in Pure and Applied Sciences
- Degree Programs in Systems and Information Engineering
- Degree Programs in Life and Earth Sciences
- Degree Programs in Comprehensive Human Sciences
- Professional Schools, Domestic/International Joint Degree Programs
- WISE Program (Doctoral Program for World-leading Innovative & Smart Education)
- Not applicable
Master's Programs (M)
Doctoral Programs (D)
- Humanities (M/D)
Degree Programs in Humanities and Social Sciences
Master's and Doctoral Programs
Master's and Doctoral Programs in Humanities
- Degrees Awarded
- Master of Arts in Humanities
Doctor of Philosophy in Humanities
The program aims to foster researchers, educators and professionals equipped with deep expertise in various areas of humanities including philosophy, ethics, religion, history, anthropology, literature, linguistics, culture, English education, as well as strong capabilities in both research and education, who can contribute to problem solving in collaboration with people of different specializations to respond to changes in the environment surrounding humanities research and education and the changes in society associated with globalization.
- International Public Policy (M/D)
Degree Programs in Humanities and Social Sciences
Master's and Doctoral Programs
Master's and Doctoral Programs in International Public Policy
- Degrees Awarded
- Master of Arts in International Public Policy
Doctor of Philosophy in International Public Policy
The program develops a high degree of professionalism in areas related to international public policy including international relations, area studies, sociology, political science, economics, anthropology, and public policy. Through interdisciplinary education and research guidance, it aims to foster researchers, educators and professionals with the capacity to flexibly apply their research skills to help solve various social and cultural issues as well as international and regional problems of the contemporary world of globalization and complexity. Furthermore, it aims to develop practical problem-solving capacity for applying academic research to designing public policy.
Master's and Doctoral Programs in International Public Policy
- International and Advanced Japanese Studies (M/D)
Degree Programs in Humanities and Social Sciences
Master's and Doctoral Programs
Master's and Doctoral Programs in International and Advanced Japanese Studies
- Degrees Awarded
- Master of Arts in International and Advanced Japanese Studies
Doctor of Philosophy in International and Advanced Japanese Studies
The program aims to foster researchers and educators with research and education capabilities across humanities, social sciences and Japanese language education, and in an increasingly globalizing world, who can communicate to people in Japan and abroad about research findings in those areas and information on Japanese culture and society in an international and comparative perspective. At the same time, it also aims to foster researchers, educators and professionals with specialized and international knowledge in humanities, social sciences and Japanese language education, who can actively contribute to the global community.
Master's and Doctoral Programs in International and Advanced Japanese Studies
- Law (M/D)
Degree Programs in Business Sciences
Master's and Doctoral Programs
Master's and Doctoral Programs in Law
- Degrees Awarded
- Master of Laws
Doctor of Philosophy in Law
(Master’s) In response to the high demand for talent in the field of corporate law, the program aims to foster and/or re-educate high-level professionals who can propose appropriate solutions to legal issues facing businesses today.
(Doctoral) The program aims to foster high-level professionals with comprehensive and advanced judgement, who can propose appropriate solutions to new types of legal issues facing businesses and society as a whole, as well as researchers who can effectively utilize such experience. - Business Administration (M/D)
Degree Programs in Business Sciences
Master's and Doctoral Programs
Master's and Doctoral Programs in Business Administration
- Degrees Awarded
- Master of Business Administration
Doctor of Philosophy in Business Administration
(Master’s) The program aims to foster high-level professionals who can address emerging management challenges associated with transformation of business and increasingly complex technologies.
(Doctoral) The program aims to foster high-level professionals with comprehensive and advanced judgement, who can propose appropriate solutions to new types of issues facing businesses and society as a whole, as well as researchers who can effectively utilize such experience. - Mathematics (M/D)
Degree Programs in Pure and Applied Sciences
Master's and Doctoral Programs
Master's and Doctoral Programs in Mathematics
- Degrees Awarded
- Master of Science
Doctor of Philosophy in Science
The program aims to cultivate researchers and university educators with a broad perspective in pure and applied mathematics, leaders in the high school-level education community with a deep understanding of mathematics, and high-level professionals who can effectively employ cutting-edge skills in mathematical science that are increasingly demanded in society.
- Physics (M/D)
Degree Programs in Pure and Applied Sciences
Master's and Doctoral Programs
Master's and Doctoral Programs in Physics
- Degrees Awarded
- Master of Science
Doctor of Philosophy in Science
The program aims to foster human resources with expertise in physics, the foundation of natural sciences, a broad perspective, basic skills for performing research in fields related to physics, and flexibility to apply their skills to pursue a high-level profession. Moreover, it aims to cultivate human resource with knowledge in not only physics but related areas as well and the potential to make a breakthrough by scientifically approaching key issues that need to be solved.
- Chemistry (M/D)
Degree Programs in Pure and Applied Sciences
Master's and Doctoral Programs
Master's and Doctoral Programs in Chemistry
- Degrees Awarded
- Master of Science
Doctor of Philosophy in Science
The program aims to foster human resources who can exercise originality and creativity with a global perspective in the field of chemistry, a science field to elucidate material structure and reactions on the molecular and electron levels to deepen understanding about natural phenomena and to create new materials and study how those materials express novel characteristics and functions.
- Engineering Sciences (M/D)
Degree Programs in Pure and Applied Sciences
Master's and Doctoral Programs
Master's and Doctoral Programs in Engineering Sciences
- Degrees Awarded
- Master of Engineering
Doctor of Philosophy in Engineering
The program aims to foster researchers and high-level professionals equipped with adequate scientific foundation in a wide range of engineering fields from materials to device and measurement technology as well as capacity for flexibly applying and adapting engineering skills to respond to diverse problems in the real world, develop original technologies and nurture younger talent.
Master's and Doctoral Programs in Engineering Sciences
- Subprogram in Applied Physics
- Subprogram in Materials Science
- Subprogram in Materials Science and Engineering NIMS - Materials Innovation (M/D)
Degree Programs in Pure and Applied Sciences
Master's and Doctoral Programs
Master's and Doctoral Programs in Materials Innovation
- Degrees Awarded
- Master of Engineering
Doctor of Philosophy in Engineering
The program aims to foster researchers, educators and high-level professionals with innovative abilities to create new value from a broad perspective by deeply exploring the natural world from the viewpoint of materials science and engineering, cultivating the ability to understand nature and applying cutting edge materials science and technology.
- Policy and Planning Sciences (M/D)
Degree Programs in Systems and Information Engineering
Master's and Doctoral Programs
Master's and Doctoral Programs in Policy and Planning Sciences
- Degrees Awarded
- Master of Science in Policy and Planning Sciences
Doctor of Philosophy in Policy and Planning Sciences
The program aims to foster global specialists with broad knowledge across all three areas of planning science, asset and resource design (finance/optimization), spatial and environmental design (urban planning), and organizational and behavioral design (behavioral science), who can make proposals from an expert perspective to meet to the needs of society, in other words, “problem-solving professionals based on future-oriented engineering (Mode I human resource)”
Master's and Doctoral Programs in Policy and Planning Sciences
- Service Engineering (M)
Degree Programs in Systems and Information Engineering
Master's Program
Master's Program in Service Engineering
- Degrees Awarded
- Master of Engineering in Service Science
The program in Service Engineering aims to foster high-level professionals equipped with advanced expertise and a rich sense of humanity, who can tackle service-related social problems of today and the future, create new ways and practices and scientifically verify them, in other words, “pioneers of the future in the field of service (Mode II human resource)”
- Risk and Resilience Engineering (M/D)
Degree Programs in Systems and Information Engineering
Master's and Doctoral Programs
Master's and Doctoral Programs in Risk and Resilience Engineering
- Degrees Awarded
- Master of Engineering
Doctor of Philosophy in Engineering
The program aims to foster high-level professionals who can respond flexibly to contingency events and changing situations from an engineering perspective. It aims to develop graduates with advanced skills who can utilize the results of engineering-based risk analysis and evaluation in order to realize a resilient society in which the provision of necessary social functions is maintained. Through education and research, the program strives to contribute to the community by addressing real-world problems.
Master's and Doctoral Programs in Risk and Resilience Engineering
- Computer Science (M/D)
Degree Programs in Systems and Information Engineering
Master's and Doctoral Programs
Master's and Doctoral Programs in Computer Science
- Degrees Awarded
- Master of Engineering
Doctor of Philosophy in Engineering
This program aims to foster people with deep expertise in various areas of information technology, and the capacity, originality and flexibility to pursue both specialized research, as well as an active role in the international arena. Our students will contribute their knowledge, skills and abilities to solve concrete problems in society using an informatics approach.
- Intelligent and Mechanical Interaction Systems (M/D)
Degree Programs in Systems and Information Engineering
Master's and Doctoral Programs
Master's and Doctoral Programs in Intelligent and Mechanical Interaction Systems
- Degrees Awarded
- Master of Engineering
Doctor of Philosophy in Engineering
The program aims to foster researchers and high-level professionals with fundamental knowledge in engineering, appropriate research abilities and high ethical standards to immerse in the field of Intelligent and Mechanical Interaction Technologies. Our program specializes in the construction of systems using mathematical models to represent complex phenomena related to humans, society and nature. These systems are designed to solve real-world problems through complex collaborations between different fields, and incorporating theories in mathematics, physics, and informatics. We expect that our graduates will be able to discover and solve problems from a broad and non-conventional perspective.
Master's and Doctoral Programs in Intelligent and Mechanical Interaction Systems
- Engineering Mechanics and Energy (M/D)
Degree Programs in Systems and Information Engineering
Master's and Doctoral Programs
Master's and Doctoral Programs in Engineering Mechanics and Energy
- Degrees Awarded
- Master of Engineering
Doctor of Philosophy in Engineering
Our goal is to nurture researchers and highly skilled professionals who gain in-depth insight into problems, propose original solutions, and present achievements domestically and internationally based on the acquired expertise in mechanical, civil, energy, or aerospace engineering and the interdisciplinary perspectives on the related fields.
Master's and Doctoral Programs in Engineering Mechanics and Energy
- Empowerment Informatics (D: 5-year)
Degree Programs in Systems and Information Engineering
Doctoral Program (5-year program)
Doctoral Program in Empowerment Informatics
- Degrees Awarded
- Master of Human Informatics
Doctor of Philosophy in Human Informatics
The program is designed to produce global leaders who design systems for empowering humans by exhibiting initiatives in a global community where people who have diverse cultural backgrounds meet together.
- Life Science Innovation: Bioinformatics (M/D)
Degree Programs in Systems and Information Engineering
Master's and Doctoral Programs
Master's and Doctoral Programs in Life Science Innovation (Bioinformatics)
- Degrees Awarded
- Master of Bioinformatics
Doctor of Philosophy in Bioinformatics
The program aims to foster human resources with skills for biological data analysis using mathematical, statistical and computational methods (with emphasis on gene regulatory networks, molecular simulation and biochemical pathways) that provide advanced expertise in life science and informatics, and establish themselves as independent researchers in bioinformatics.
Master's and Doctoral Programs in Life Science Innovation (Bioinformatics)
- Biology (M/D)
Degree Programs in Life and Earth Sciences
Master's and Doctoral Programs
Master's and Doctoral Programs in Biology
- Degrees Awarded
- Master of Science
Doctor of Philosophy in Science
The program aims to foster researchers, educators and professionals in biology, equipped with broad academic knowledge, basic research capacity, ability to tenaciously explore problems and practical competence in the eight areas of Systematics and Evolutionary Biology, Ecology, Plant Developmental Biology and Physiology, Animal Developmental Biology and Physiology, Molecular and Cellular Biology, Genome Informatics, Advanced Cellular Biology, Advanced Molecular Biology which form the foundation of research in life sciences.
- Agro-Bioresources Science and Technology (M)
Degree Programs in Life and Earth Sciences
Master's Program
Master's Program in Agro-Bioresources Science and Technology
- Degrees Awarded
- Master of Agricultural Science
The program aims to foster researchers and other professionals in the field of agro-biological resource science, a field related to agriculture, biology and the environment. As one step to achieve this purpose, the program fosters human resources with basic expertise in agro-biological resource science and creative research and development capacities that will enable them to contribute to the survival and sustainable development of mankind, by achieving goals such as stable provision of food, development, conservation and sustainable utilization of biological resources. The program also aims to foster human resources with exceptional capabilities required to practice highly specialized professions.
Master's Program in Agro-Bioresources Science and Technology
- Agricultural Sciences (D)
Degree Programs in Life and Earth Sciences
Doctoral Program
Doctoral Program in Agricultural Sciences
- Degrees Awarded
- Doctor of Philosophy in Agricultural Science
The program aims to foster high-level professionals and researchers who can independently carry out research that will provide a basis for solving global problems related to agriculture, food and environment based on wide knowledge in agriculture as an integrated science and ability to tenaciously explore and solve problems.
- Life and Agricultural Sciences (D)
Degree Programs in Life and Earth Sciences
Doctoral Program
Doctoral Program in Life and Agricultural Sciences
- Degrees Awarded
- Doctor of Philosophy in Life and Agricultural Sciences
The program aims to foster molecular-level understanding of controlled life phenomena within cells and living organisms and to acquire specialized capabilities necessary for the development of technologies utilizing the functions of life phenomena, and thereby foster researchers and educators who will contribute to the stabilization and sustainable development of the foundation of human survival.
- Bioindustrial Sciences (D)
Degree Programs in Life and Earth Sciences
Doctoral Program
Doctoral Program in Bioindustrial Sciences
- Degrees Awarded
- Doctor of Philosophy in Biotechnology
The program aims to foster researchers with a base in life science and research & development capacity for creating new technologies and intellectual properties related to securing, distributing and utilizing bioindustrial resources for life science industry development.
- Geosciences (M/D)
Degree Programs in Life and Earth Sciences
Master's and Doctoral Programs
Master's and Doctoral Programs in Geosciences
- Degrees Awarded
- Master of Science
Doctor of Philosophy in Science
The programs aim to foster high-level professionals with a deep understanding of the history of the planet and various natural phenomena that take place on Earth today. The master’s program aims to foster students with extensive knowledge and specialized expertise to help solve various scientific problems prevailing on a global scale. The doctoral program pursues more advanced expertise to foster high-level professionals who are actively involved in the international science communities and who contribute to the development of sciences in Japan.
- Environmental Sciences (M)
Degree Programs in Life and Earth Sciences
Master's Program
Master's Program in Environmental Sciences
- Degrees Awarded
- Master of Environmental Sciences
In response to global and regional issues, this program fosters creativity and internationally acknowledged expertise that are engendered from integrated knowledge on natural sciences, engineering, agricultural sciences, and social sciences. For our students to contribute to policymaking and implementation processes in the future, it nourishes skills for comprehending broad and interconnected perspectives, practical and applicable expertise, and effective communication. These students will become advanced skilled workers who, with heightened qualities for global leadership, contribute to solving global issues.
Degree Programs in Life and Earth Sciences
Doctoral Program
Doctoral Program in Environmental Studies
- Degrees Awarded
- Doctor of Philosophy in Environmental Studies
In response to global and regional issues, this program fosters creativity and internationally acknowledged expertise in the fields of natural sciences, engineering, agricultural sciences and social sciences. It nourishes skills and abilities among students for comprehending broad and interconnected perspectives, logical thinking, practical and applicable expertise, articulation, and effective communication. As a result, they will become advanced professional workers, researchers, and educators, and contribute to solving global and regional issues as global leaders.
- Mountain Studies (M)
Degree Programs in Life and Earth Sciences
Master's Program
Master's Program in Mountain Studies
- Degrees Awarded
- Master of Science in Mountain Studies
To address problems related to natural resources in the geosphere, hydrosphere, ecosystems and forests caused by natural changes and human activities in mountainous areas, the program aims to foster human resources with expertise necessary to build affluent and strong local communities and to promote forestry and other industries in hilly and mountainous regions and who can make sound decisions and take appropriate measures based on broad perspective and deep expertise.
- Life Science Innovation: Food Innovation (M/D)
Degree Programs in Life and Earth Sciences
Master's and Doctoral Programs
Master's and Doctoral Programs in Life Science Innovation (Food Innovation)
- Degrees Awarded
- Master of Food Innovation
Doctor of Philosophy in Food Innovation
The program aims to foster human resources equipped with a suite of capabilities: capability to explore the functions of food, capability to process food in a way to efficiently enhance food functions, nutritional and physiological capability to evaluate the effects the functions have on human body, and the capability to develop functional food products for marketing and who can use those capabilities to create new food value to offer to the people of the world.
Master's and Doctoral Programs in Life Science Innovation (Food Innovation)
- Life Science Innovation: Environmental Management (M/D)
Degree Programs in Life and Earth Sciences
Master's and Doctoral Programs
Master's and Doctoral Programs in Life Science Innovation (Environmental Management)
- Degrees Awarded
- Master of Environmental Management
Doctor of Philosophy in Environmental Management
The program is designed to deepen understanding of the relationship between survival/growth of life and environmental conditions surrounding life by acquiring a wide knowledge base ranging from microscopic environmental physiology to macroscopic and global environmental ecology as well as cutting-edge expertise and research capacity relating to the evaluation and control of the impacts of environmental conditions on life. The program thereby aims to foster human resources who can actively contribute to global research and development for appropriate control of life-sustainable environment.
Master's and Doctoral Programs in Life Science Innovation (Environmental Management)
- Life Science Innovation: Biomolecular Engineering (M/D)
Degree Programs in Life and Earth Sciences
Master's and Doctoral Programs
Master's and Doctoral Programs in Life Science Innovation (Biomolecular Engineering)
- Degrees Awarded
- Master of Bioengineering
Doctor of Philosophy in Bioengineering
The program is designed to deeply learn the functions and applications of biomolecules and project management skills required for developing such applications. The program thereby aims to foster human resources who can accelerate life innovation by developing innovative analytical techniques and novel functional molecules and materials with high environmental/biological compatibility, in other words, who can accelerate innovation through interdisciplinary integration of biology, medicine and engineering.
- Humanics (D: 5-year)
WISE Program (Doctoral Program for World-leading Innovative & Smart Education)
Doctoral Program (5-year program)
Ph.D. Program in Humanics
- Degrees Awarded
- Doctor of Philosophy in Medical Sciences
Doctor of Philosophy in Science
Doctor of Philosophy in Engineering
The program cultivates leaders with doctoral-level knowledge and skills in the fields of both biomedical sciences and physical sciences/engineering/informatics, as well as the capacity to integrate two or more research fields and to apply them in human society.
Master's Programs (M)
Doctoral Programs (D)
- Education (M/D)
Degree Programs in Comprehensive Human Sciences
Master's and Doctoral Programs
Master's and Doctoral Programs in Education
- Degrees Awarded
- Master of Education
Doctor of Philosophy in Education
The program aims to foster systematic understanding of the significance and roles of education on human behavior and social development, keenly identify worldwide challenges in modern education, nurture basic research capacity for performing analysis using academic approaches in fields of education and pedagogy and thereby foster education researchers and high-level professionals who can lead problem solving efforts using outstanding expertise in diverse educational settings.
- Psychology (M/D)
Degree Programs in Comprehensive Human Sciences
Master's and Doctoral Programs
Master's and Doctoral Programs in Psychology
- Degrees Awarded
- Master of Arts in Psychology
Doctor of Philosophy in Psychology
The program is designed to acquire knowledge, methodologies, techniques and values across the entire field of psychology, and build diverse and close connection with various social sciences and other adjacent or multidisciplinary fields with potential for cross-sectional research, to foster human resources who can contribute to society as specialists in human research, in other words, psychology researchers with a strong academic base, broad view and keen awareness of human problems.
- Disability Sciences (M/D)
Degree Programs in Comprehensive Human Sciences
Master's and Doctoral Programs
Master's and Doctoral Programs in Disability Sciences
- Degrees Awarded
- Master of Arts in Disability Sciences
Doctor of Philosophy in Disability Sciences
The program aims to foster researchers with basic research capacity necessary for promoting scientific and practical research in disability sciences, high-level professionals with a solid science base who can effectively exercise their capabilities on the frontlines of and become leaders in special needs education and disability support, or researchers who can provide advanced education in disability science related fields with a global perspective.
Master's Program in Disability Sciences
Doctoral Program in Disability Sciences - Counseling (M)
Degree Programs in Comprehensive Human Sciences
Master's Program
Master's Program in Counseling
- Degrees Awarded
- Master of Science in Counseling
The program is designed to provide working adults and clinical psychologists with comprehensive and fundamental education on counseling and methodologies from international and interdisciplinary researches, to foster high-level professionals and professors who can collaborate with other professionals to contribute to society by solving workplace and social problems in scientific, practical and creative ways.
Degree Programs in Comprehensive Human Sciences
Doctoral Program
Doctoral Program in Counseling Science
- Degrees Awarded
- Doctor of Philosophy in Counseling Psychology
The program is designed to provide researchers and professionals in counseling-related fields with comprehensive and fundamental education on counseling and methodologies from international and interdisciplinary researches, to foster high-level professionals, professors, and researchers who can collaborate with other professionals to contribute to society by solving workplace and social problems in scientific, practical and creative ways.
- Rehabilitation Science (M/D)
Degree Programs in Comprehensive Human Sciences
Master's and Doctoral Programs
Master's and Doctoral Programs in Rehabilitation Science
- Degrees Awarded
- Master of Science in Rehabilitation
Doctor of Philosophy in Rehabilitation Science
The program is designed to provide researchers and professionals in rehabilitation-related fields with comprehensive and foundational education on rehabilitation including findings and methodologies from international and interdisciplinary researches, to foster high-level professionals and educators (researchers) who will collaborate with other professionals to contribute to society by solving workplace and social problems in scientific, practical and creative ways.
- Neuroscience (M/D)
Degree Programs in Comprehensive Human Sciences
Master's and Doctoral Programs
Master's and Doctoral Programs in Neuroscience
- Degrees Awarded
- Master of Neuroscience
Doctor of Philosophy in Neuroscience
The programs aim to foster human resources who can effectively utilize their expertise in neuroscience in various real-world settings. In particular, the doctoral program aims to foster neuroscience researchers and high-level professionals with a strong and comprehensive academic foundation on brain activity, who can contribute to deepening understanding of human mind as higher brain function.
- Medical Sciences (D: 4-year)
Degree Programs in Comprehensive Human Sciences
Doctoral Program (4-year program in medicine)
Doctoral Program in Medical Sciences
- Degrees Awarded
- Doctor of Philosophy in Medical Sciences
The program aims to pursue fundamental understanding of all kinds of life phenomena that take place along the course of fetal development, birth, growth, aging, senescence and death that humans follow. Thereby, the program hopes to foster those who will engage in the researches on understanding disease processes and on developing the ways to prevent, diagnose and treat the diseases. This program also fosters those who contribute to the society by making the fruits of such researches available.
- Nursing Science (M/D)
Degree Programs in Comprehensive Human Sciences
Master's and Doctoral Programs
Master's and Doctoral Programs in Nursing Science
- Degrees Awarded
- Master of Science in Nursing
Doctor of Philosophy in Nursing
The program aims to foster researchers with deep and wide academic knowledge and high-level professionals such as certified nursing specialists (CNS) or midwife who can contribute to solving persistent and complex health problems of patients with multiple diseases and disorders based on scientific evidence in nursing science.
- Medical Sciences (M)
Degree Programs in Comprehensive Human Sciences
Master's Program
Master's Program in Medical Sciences
- Degrees Awarded
- Master of Science in Medical Sciences
The program provides comprehensive and foundational education on medical sciences including interdisciplinary content covering a wide range of areas from basic medicine to clinical medicine, medical physics, translational research and regulatory science. Thereby the program fosters human resources who will engage in education and research in practical and wide-ranging fields related to medical science to meet the needs of society and realize and maintain a healthy and secure society as researchers, educators or high-level professionals.
- Public Health (M)
Degree Programs in Comprehensive Human Sciences
Master's Program
Master's Program in Public Health
- Degrees Awarded
- Master of Public Health
The program aims to provide students with knowledge and skills to enhance expertise in public health centering on the five core areas of epidemiology, biostatistics, health policy, environmental health, health and behavior sciences. It also encourages students to actively take courses in related fields to promote interdisciplinary thinking. All basic and compulsory subjects are taught in English to provide an environment where Japanese and international students can learn together to prepare themselves to play active roles in the global community.
- Human Care Science (D)
Degree Programs in Comprehensive Human Sciences
Doctoral Program
Doctoral Program in Human Care Science
- Degrees Awarded
- Doctor of Philosophy in Human Care Science
The program aims to foster researchers, educators and high-level professionals who can solve problems related to human care and support from a comprehensive and interdisciplinary point of view, by creatively combining, advancing and applying in practice, knowledge of such fields as education, psychology, welfare, medicine, nursing science, and health sciences.
- Public Health (D)
Degree Programs in Comprehensive Human Sciences
Doctoral Program
Doctoral Program in Public Health
- Degrees Awarded
- Doctor of Philosophy in Public Health
The program aims to foster researchers, educators and high-level professionals equipped with interdisciplinary knowledge of diverse fields relating to public health and sophisticated research capacity instrumental in solving various health problems facing people of today’s society.
- Sports Medicine (D)
Degree Programs in Comprehensive Human Sciences
Doctoral Program
Doctoral Program in Sports Medicine
- Degrees Awarded
- Doctor of Philosophy in Sports Medicine
The program aims to foster world-level researchers and high-level professionals who will contribute to sports medicine in the following aspects as well as educators who will train such researchers and professionals.
・Contribute to improving the ability of athletes in competitive sports from a scientific perspective.
・Scientifically evaluate measures to prevent lifestyle-related disease and aging and contribute to health maintenance and promotion and disease prevention and amelioration - Physical Education, Health and Sport Sciences (M)
Degree Programs in Comprehensive Human Sciences
Master's Program
Master's Program in Physical Education, Health and Sport Sciences
- Degrees Awarded
- Master of Physical Education, Health and Sport Sciences
The program aims to foster interdisciplinary approach to various issues related to the human body and motion, culture and environment surrounding physical activity, and mental and physical coordination, with a special focus on key concepts including physical education, sports, health and coaching, in an education and research institution with unparalleled capacity in this field of specialization, and thereby foster human resources with the capabilities and a rich academic knowledge base necessary for autonomously and independently carrying out education and research activities.
Master's Program in Physical Education, Health and Sport Sciences
- Physical Education, Health and Sport Sciences (D)
Degree Programs in Comprehensive Human Sciences
Doctoral Program
Doctoral Program in Physical Education, Health and Sport Sciences
- Degrees Awarded
- Doctor of Philosophy in Health and Sport Sciences
Based on a contribution to problem-solving in modern society related to physical education, sports, and health, this academic program aims to foster highly qualified leaders who have human resources and demonstrate advanced academic competency and leadership from a global perspective including significant research and practical knowledge and skills through participations of educational activities.
Doctoral Program in Physical Education, Health and Sport Sciences
- Sport and Olympic Studies (M)
Degree Programs in Comprehensive Human Sciences
Master's Program
Master's Program in Sport and Olympic Studies
- Degrees Awarded
- Master of Arts in Sport and Olympic Studies
The purpose of the program is to foster human resources who will pursue a high level of management capability and integrity required in international sports of the future. The program is committed to fostering human resources for future sports in cooperation with the International Olympic Committee and International Sports Federation.
- Coaching Science (D)
Degree Programs in Comprehensive Human Sciences
Doctoral Program
Doctoral Program in Coaching Science
- Degrees Awarded
- Doctor of Philosophy in Coaching Science
The program aims to foster researchers, educators and high-level professionals with a global perspective, high ethical standards, advanced research capacity and practical capabilities in coaching, who will lead research and education in coaching science.
- Sport and Wellness Promotion (M/D)
Degree Programs in Comprehensive Human Sciences
Master's and Doctoral Programs
Master's and Doctoral Programs in Sport and Wellness Promotion
- Degrees Awarded
- Master of Sport and Wellness Promotion
Doctor of Sport and Wellness Promotion
The program aims to foster high-level professionals with the capabilities to conceive, develop and analyze basic policies and strategies, assess and organize necessary resources, appropriately manage a sophisticated system and develop intelligent programs, based on their practical experience in promoting sports and wellness and deep understanding of the principles and methods for creating synergy between sports and wellness.
Master's and Doctoral Programs in Sport and Wellness Promotion
- Art (M/D)
Degree Programs in Comprehensive Human Sciences
Master's and Doctoral Programs
Master's and Doctoral Programs in Art
- Degrees Awarded
- Master of Science in Art
Doctor of Philosophy in Art
The program aims to foster high-level professionals, researchers and educators who will engage in specialized research on the theories and practice of art and design from a broad perspective and who can play leadership roles in a globalized society, by responding to the diverse developments of art and design with sophisticated skills, practical application and planning ability.
- Design (M/D)
Degree Programs in Comprehensive Human Sciences
Master's and Doctoral Programs
Master's and Doctoral Programs in Design
- Degrees Awarded
- Master of Design
Doctor of Philosophy in Design
The program promotes theoretical and practical research from the fundamentals to application of kansei (affection), expression, constructive theory and planning in design from information to architecture or even space designed to acquire practical ability for creating comfortable products and environment make people feel better. The program thereby aims to foster high-level professionals and researchers equipped with the qualities required of global top leaders who will exert creativity in building, maintaining and rebuilding positive and empowering social systems and affluent and constructive local, regional and global communities.
- Heritage Studies (M/D)
Degree Programs in Comprehensive Human Sciences
Master's and Doctoral Programs
Master's and Doctoral Programs in Heritage Studies
- Degrees Awarded
- Master of Heritage Studies
Doctor of Philosophy in Heritage Studies
The program aims to comprehensively understand the threats and problems faced by cultural and natural heritages of the world from political, economic, social and natural environment aspects and study the theories and techniques for solving those problems to protect the heritages, and thereby aims to foster high-level professionals who can contribute to the protection of cultural and natural heritages worldwide including World Heritage sites inscribed under the World Heritage Convention, and researchers and educators who will engage in theoretical and technical research on ways to solve the problems facing heritage sites today.
- Informatics (M/D)
Degree Programs in Comprehensive Human Sciences
Master's and Doctoral Programs
Master's and Doctoral Programs in Informatics
- Degrees Awarded
- Master of Science in Informatics
Doctor of Philosophy in Informatics
The program aims to foster professionals and researchers who will engage in the utilization of information in academic research, education, life, and culture through an interdisciplinary approach integrating humanities, social sciences and natural sciences, in order to respond to the situation where technological advances are rapidly increasing the importance of information in human activities.
- Human Biology (D: 5-year)
Degree Programs in Comprehensive Human Sciences
Doctoral Program (5-year program)
Doctoral Program in Human Biology
- Degrees Awarded
- Doctor of Philosophy in Human Biology
The program aims to foster researchers and high-level professionals with deep understanding of the mechanisms of how life is maintained, adapted and inherited in humans, who can contribute to solving global issues related to human health with interdisciplinary expertise and sophisticated research capacity and who are equipped with the qualities to become global leaders in creating a society where all humans can lead a fulfilling life.
- Life Science Innovation: Disease Mechanism (M/D)
Degree Programs in Comprehensive Human Sciences
Master's and Doctoral Programs
Master's and Doctoral Programs in Life Science Innovation (Disease Mechanism)
- Degrees Awarded
- Master of Disease Mechanism
Doctor of Philosophy in Disease Mechanism
The program aims to foster human resources who will enhance research management and engage in creative research that will lead to the development of innovative treatment for refractory diseases and who will pioneer innovative knowledge in the field of life science and medicine, with a clear purpose to give back the fruits of research to society, and those who will engage in diverse healthcare activities based on a broad based knowledge.
Master's and Doctoral Programs in Life Science Innovation (Disease Mechanism)
- Life Science Innovation: Drug Discovery (M/D)
Degree Programs in Comprehensive Human Sciences
Master's and Doctoral Programs
Master's and Doctoral Programs in Life Science Innovation (Drug Discovery)
- Degrees Awarded
- Master of Medical Science
Doctor of Philosophy in Medical Science
The program is designed to deepen understanding on the healthcare needs of the times and learn about drug discovery and development to meet those needs. The program thereby aims to foster human resources who can contribute to the creation of innovative drugs on a global level by engaging in creative research across a wide range of fields based on life science including pharmacology, medicinal chemistry, biochemical engineering, and chemical biology.
Master's and Doctoral Programs in Life Science Innovation (Drug Discovery)
- Law School Program (Professional)
Professional Schools, Domestic/International Joint Degree Programs
Professional Degree Program
Law School Program
- Degrees Awarded
- Juris Doctor
The purpose of the program is to foster legal professionals who meet the following criteria:
・Professionals who can apply their knowledge, experience and skills in the practice of legal profession and as a respectable member of the society
・Professionals rich in humanity and sensibility and with high ethical standards as a legal professional
・Professionals with the capacity to apply legal expertise to resolve specific disputes and to critically review existing concepts to solve emerging problems in a flexible manner
・Professionals with full understanding of advanced legal fields, who can contribute to the development of society - MBA Program in International Business (Professional)
Professional Schools, Domestic/International Joint Degree Programs
Professional Degree Program
MBA Program in International Business
- Degrees Awarded
- Master of International Business Administration
The program aims to foster business administration professionals with the knowledge, skills and qualities necessary for taking appropriate actions adapted to the ever-changing business environment, based on deep understanding of the global society and its cultural diversity. Specifically speaking, its aim is to cultivate three types of global leaders: business managers equipped with core management competencies, country managers skilled in adapting to different cultural backgrounds, and project managers with excellent applied information skills.
- Joint Master's Program in International Development and Peace through Sport
Professional Schools, Domestic/International Joint Degree Programs
Master's Program
Joint Master's Program in International Development and Peace through Sport
- Degrees Awarded
- Master of Arts in International Development and Peace through Sport
The program aims to foster human resources who will engage in social development within Japan and abroad through sports, who can provide support overseas based on understanding of Japan’s physical education system and practice and who can actively promote world peace, international friendship and youth education by taking jobs in international organizations.
Joint Master's Program in International Development and Peace through Sport
- Joint Doctoral Program in Advanced Physical Education and Sports for Higher Education
Professional Schools, Domestic/International Joint Degree Programs
Doctoral Program
Joint Doctoral Program in Advanced Physical Education and Sports for Higher Education
- Degrees Awarded
- Doctor of Philosophy in Physical Education and Sport Studies
The program aims to foster high-level physical education instructors who will act as academic professionals in higher education and effectively support the circulation of knowledge and findings between the forefronts of education and research.
Joint Doctoral Program in Advanced Physical Education and Sports for Higher Education
- Joint Master's Degree Program in Sustainability and Environmental Sciences
Professional Schools, Domestic/International Joint Degree Programs
Master's Program
Joint Master's Degree Program in Sustainability and Environmental Sciences
- Degrees Awarded
- Master of Sustainability and Environmental Sciences
The program aims to foster human resources with knowledge in science, agriculture, engineering, social sciences, who can contribute to solving problems and realization of a sustainable society with specialized and comprehensive insights into global issues related to aquatic resource and environment, water disasters, and ecosystems, mainly focusing on the tropical regions of Asia.
Joint Master's Degree Program in Sustainability and Environmental Sciences
- International Joint Degree Master's Program in Agro-Biomedical Science in Food and Health
Professional Schools, Domestic/International Joint Degree Programs
Master's Program
International Joint Degree Master's Program in Agro-Biomedical Science in Food and Health
- Degrees Awarded
- Master of Agro-Biomedical Science in Food and Health
In view of global challenges facing humanity such as maintenance and promotion of health and securing safe and stable supply of food, the program aims to scientifically understand the health impacts of food based on the philosophy of “Ishoku Dogen” (food is medicine), and foster high-level professionals with expertise and practical skills to bridge the needs of the global society to research and development.
International Joint Degree Master's Program in Agro-Biomedical Science in Food and Health