


What are Tsukuba STANDARDs?

Based on the founding philosophy of the University of Tsukuba, we clarify our educational framework, including educational purpose and methods for achieving them and measures for improvement of educational content, and widely publicize it to society as the educational declaration of the University, which aims to guarantee and continuously improve the quality of degrees.

We have formulated two sets of " Tsukuba Standards ".

Tsukuba STANDARDs for Undergraduate Schools and Colleges

Tsukuba STANDARDs for Undergraduate Schools and Colleges

Tsukuba STANDARDs for Graduate Schools and Programs

Tsukuba STANDARDs for Graduate Schools and Programs

Celebrating the 151st 50th Anniversary of the University of Tsukuba
Celebrating the 151st 50th Anniversary of the University of Tsukuba