

Revision of the Handling Guidelines for the Prevention of the Spread of COVID-19

January 7, 2021

To Students, Faculty Members, and Employees


Revision of the Handling Guidelines for the Prevention of the Spread of COVID-19

The recent domestic infection status of COVID-19 has risen to an alarming condition including a record high of newly infected people per day.
Furthermore, the environment that surrounds COVID-19 is undergoing a shift by the minute and our university has revised the "COVID-19 Flowchart" on December 24.
In light of these circumstances, we have made a revision of the "Handling Guidelines for the Prevention of the Spread of COVID-19" which was drawn up on October 15, 2020.
We would like to ask students, faculty members, and employees to be vividly aware to "prevent yourself and others from being infected" and adhere to these guidelines.


INAGAKI Toshiyuki
Vice President for General Affairs
COVID-19 Response Team

Handling Guidelines for the Prevention of the Spread of COVID-19 (Revised on January 7, 2021)

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