
Research News


Pinpoint "Flicker Sound" Increases Awareness of Digital Signage Advertisements

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Researchers from the University of Tsukuba have developed a "pinpoint flicker sound" system for enhancing the efficacy of digital signage advertisements. By strategically playing these sounds at specific instance for brief periods, people's attention to the signs can be drawn more effectively. Moreover, the system creates a comfortable environment for those who are not particularly interested in the signage.

Tsukuba, Japan—Digital signage serves as an electronic bulletin board, displaying a range of information, including advertisements. However, in our current society, overwhelmed by an influx of visual information, such signage often gets lost in the clutter, making it hard for people to notice it—a phenomenon known as "display blindness."

One potential solution is to incorporate sound into the signage. However, if the sound reaches individuals far from the signage or those not looking at it, it could create an intrusive noise, disrupting the comfort of the space. Thus, a balance must be struck between enhancing awareness and maintaining spatial comfort.

Addressing this issue of display blindness and the need for spatial comfort, researchers have proposed a "pinpoint flicker sound" system for digital signage. This system plays a brief, targeted sound to those passing near the signage to alert them to its presence. Thereafter, the sound is only audible to those who are actively viewing the signage. The system was tested on 33 participants in a simulated store environment. Results indicated that the pinpoint flicker sound encouraged participants to pay more attention to the signage, and they continued looking at it for longer periods. Importantly, bystanders were less likely to perceive the sound as noise, suggesting that the system managed to maintain a comfortable spatial environment.

In conclusion, the pinpoint flicker sound system not only heightened the awareness of signage advertisements but also preserved the comfort of the space. As such, it holds promise for the future of spatial sound design. It benefits not only advertisers and signage users, but also ensures a comfortable environment for everyone in public spaces.

Japan Society for the Promotion of Science (JSPS) KAKENHI (Grant Number: JP21J20397 and 22H03693)

Original Paper

Title of original paper:
Attracting Effect of Pinpoint Auditory Glimpse on Digital Signage
IEEE Access


Associate Professor ZEMPO Keiichi
Institute of Systems and Information Engineering, University of Tsukuba

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