

Innovative Cybernic System for a ZERO Intensive Nursing-care Society

Center for Cybenics Research

Professor Yoshiyuki Sankai, Director of Center for Cybenics Research, Program Manager of Impulsing Paradigm Change through Disruptive Technologies Program (ImPACT) Prof. Yoshiyuki Sankai is the pioneer of a new science called 'Cybernics'. This is an interdisciplinary academic field of human assistive technology, i.e., the fusion of humans, machines and information systems.
HALR (Hybrid Assistive Limb), the world's first cyborg-type robot, has been created with this technology. When a person wants to move his or her body, the brain translates electrical signals into motion intention. HAL detects these bio-electrical signals from the surface of the skin derived from the brain. Based on this principle, HAL can assist and enhance human motion in conjunction with the intention. HAL provides functional improvement and functional regeneration for patients with the brain-nerve-muscular disorders. HAL has already obtained a medical device certificate across the European Union.
In 2014, Prof. Sankai was selected a program manager of the Impulsing Paradigm Change through Disruptive Technologies Program (ImPACT) as one of Japan's twelve top innovators. This project is one of the Japan's huge R&D project for the purpose of creation the disruptive innovation that will bring about major changes in the state of industry and society.
On his project, Prof. Sankai aims for the realization of ZERO Intensive Nursing-care Society through improvement in the independence of nursing-care recipient and reducing burden of caregiver with this innovative technology.

The University of Tsukuba (Center for Cybernics Research) is the only research center in the world that develops and leads this whole new research field.

International Institute for Sleep Medicine (IIIS)
Celebrating the 151st 50th Anniversary of the University of Tsukuba
Celebrating the 151st 50th Anniversary of the University of Tsukuba