Tsukuba Campus Map
Tsukuba Campus Map
Campus Classroom Directory
Access to Tsukuba Campus / Route Map
Tsukuba Campus Address
1-1-1 Tennodai, Tsukuba, Ibaraki 305-8577 Japan

Tsukuba Campus Map
North Area
Central Area
- 1A Building
- 1B Building
- 1C Building
- 1D Building
- 1E Building
- 1F Building
- 1G Building
- 1H building
- 2A Building
- 2B Building
- 2C Building
- 2D Building
- 2E Building
- 2G Building
- 2H Building
- 3A Building
- 3B Building
- 3C Building
- 3D Building
- 3G Building
- 3K Building
- 3L Building
- Academic Service Office for the Human Sciences Area
- Academic Service Office for the Humanities and Social Sciences Area
- Academic Service Office for the Life and Environmental Sciences Area
- Academic Service Office for the Pure and Applied Sciences Area
- Academic Service Office for the Systems and Information Engineering Area
- Academic Support Center for the School of Comprehensive Studies
- Administration Center
- Administration Center Annex Building
- Algae Biomass and Energy System Research Unit
- Center for Computational Sciences (CCS)
- Center for Research in Radiation, Isotopes, and Earth System Sciences (CRiES) (Environmental Dynamics & Prediction Section)
- Center for Research in Radiation, Isotopes, and Earth System Sciences (CRiES) (Radioisotope Research Section)
- Center for Research in Radiation, Isotopes, and Earth System Sciences (CRiES) (Tandem Accelerator Complex)
- Central Library
- Cooperative Research Building A
- Cooperative Research Building C
- Cooperative Research Building D
- Cybernics Research Building
- Empowerment Studio
- Energy Plant
- First Gymnasium
- Institutes of Biological and Agricultural Sciences A
- Institutes of Biological and Agricultural Sciences B
- Institutes of Biological and Agricultural Sciences C
- Institutes of Biological and Agricultural Sciences D
- Institutes of Biological and Agricultural Sciences E
- Institutes of Biological and Agricultural Sciences F
- Institutes of Biological and Agricultural Sciences G
- Institutes of Engineering Sciences E
- Institutes of Engineering Sciences F
- Institutes of Engineering Sciences G
- Institutes of Engineering Sciences H
- Institutes of Engineering Sciences M
- Institutes of Human Sciences A
- Institutes of Human Sciences B
- Institutes of Humanities and Social Sciences
- Institutes of Natural Sciences B
- Institutes of Natural Sciences Building A
- Institutes of Natural Sciences C
- Institutes of Natural Sciences D
- Institutes of Natural Sciences E
- Joint Use Facility Building A
- Joint Use Facility Building D
- Laboratory for Environmental Disaster Prevention Research
- Laboratory of Advanced Research A
- Laboratory of Advanced Research B
- Life Science Center for Survival Dynamics, Tsukuba Advanced Research Alliance (TARA)
- Master's Programs in Humanities and Social Sciences A
- Master's Programs in Humanities and Social Sciences B
- Mountain Science Center
- Natural Sciences Building A
- Natural Sciences Building B
- Natural Sciences Building C
- Natural Sciences Building D
- Niji no Hiroba
- Plant-based Material Production Research Building
- Plasma Research Center
- Project and Research Building
- Research Facility Center for Science and Technology (Cryogenics Division)
- Research Facility Center for Science and Technology (Engineering Workshop Division)
- Research Facility Center for Science and Technology (Chemical Analysis Division)
- Student Commons
- Student Plaza
- Students' Club House (Cultural)
- Third Gymnasium
- Tsukuba Industrial Liaison and Cooperative Research Center
- Tsukuba-Plant Innovation Research Center (T-PIRC) (Gene Research Center)
- University Information Center at Chuo-guchi
- University of Tsukuba Archives
South Area
- Archery Training Hall
- 5C Building
- 6A Building
- 6B Building
- Academic Computing and Communications Center
- Academic Service Office for the Art and Sport Sciences Area
- Art and Physical Education Library
- Athletic Field
- Auditorium
- Baseball Field
- Building for Extra-curricular Activities
- Cafeteria for Art and Physical Education
- Center for Education of Global Communication (CEGLOC)
- Central Gymnasium
- Club House
- Cooperative Research Building B
- Global Sport Innovation Building
- Gymnasium (Martial Arts)
- Gymnasium (Volleyball)
- Handball Field
- Indoor Swimming Pool
- Institute of Art and Design
- Institute of Health and Sport Sciences A
- Institute of Health and Sport Sciences B
- International Lecture Building
- Japanese Archery Training Hall
- Kambara Hall
- Laboratory of Advanced Research D
- Multipurpose Sports Ground
- Practice Field for Outdoor Activities (Yasei no Mori)
- Practice Rooms for Art & Design 1, 2
- Rugby Field
- Soccer Field
- Sport and Physical Education Center
- Sport and Physical Student's Club House
- Sport Fluid Engineering Laboratory
- Sport Performance and Clinic Laboratory
- T-Dome
- Tennis Court for Art and Physical Education
- Tsukuba Training Lodge
- University Hall A
- University Hall B
- University Health Center
- University of Tsukuba 30th Anniversary Hall
- University of Tsukuba Art Space
- University of Tsukuba Gallery
- Workshop (Art and Design)
West Area
- 4A Building
- 4B Building
- 4C Building
- 4D Building
- 4E Building
- Academic Service Office for the Medical Sciences Area
- Advanced Imaging Center
- Cafeteria for Medical Sciences
- Center for Cyber Medicine Research
- Clinical Lecture Rooms
- Disaster Prevention and Infection Control Building
- Disaster Prevention and Infection Research Building
- Energy Plant
- Foreign Scholars' Residence
- Global Village
- Health and Medical Science Innovation Laboratory
- Hirasuna Community Center
- Hirasuna Residence Hall
- Institute of Medicine
- Joint Use Facility Building B
- Laboratory Animal Resource Center
- Medical Library
- Medical Radioisotope Research Institutes
- Medical Residences 1
- Medical Residences 2
- Medical Sciences Building
- Oikoshi Community Center
- Oikoshi Residence Hall
- Proton Medical Research Center
- Second Gymnasium
- Tsukuba Medical Laboratory of Education and Research
- University Information Center at Matsumi-guchi
- University of Tsukuba Hospital
- Yurinoki Day-care Center
Kasuga Area
- 7A Building
- 7B Building
- 7C Building
- 7D Building
- Academic Service Office for the Library, Information and Media Sciences Area
- Fourth Gymnasium
- Global Guest House
- Innovative Medical Research Institute
- Kasuga Auditorium
- Kasuga Japanese Archery Training Hall
- Kasuga Residence Hall Building 1
- Kasuga Residence Hall Building 2
- Kasuga Residence Hall Building 3
- Kasuga Welfare Facilities
- Library on Library and Information Science
- Union of Library and Information-media Studios
- Akebonosugi -dori Ave.
- Amakubo Ike
- Amakubo-ni-chome
- Amakubo-san-chome
- Azuma Shogakko
- Baseball field - guchi (Gate)
- Chuo-guchi (Main Gate)
- Dai-Ichi Area Mae
- Dai-Ni Area Mae
- Dai-San Area Mae
- Daigaku Kaikan Mae
- Daigaku Koen
- Daigaku Syokubutsu Mihon-en
- Gassyukujo
- Ground-guchi (Gate)
- Hirasuna Gakusei Shukusya Mae
- Ichinoya Gakusei Syukusya Mae
- Kaede-dori Ave.
- Keyaki-dori Ave.
- Matsumi Ike
- Matsumi-guchi (Gate)
- Medical Center-Byoin
- Niji no Hiroba
- Norin-Gijyutsu Center
- Oikoshi Gakusei Syukusha Mae
- Oikoshi Syukusya-Higashi
- Suzukake -dori Ave.
- Tara Center Mae
- Tsukuba Center Bus Terminal
- Tsukuba Daigaku Byoin Iriguchi
- Tsukuba Daigaku Chuo
- Tsukuba Daigaku Kasuga Area Mae
- Tsukuba Daigaku Nishi
- Tsukuba Medical Center Mae
- Tsutsuji-dori Ave.
- Yurinoki-dori Ave.
Art and Monument
- Air Plants
- archetype50024
- Atmospheric Air
- Autumn Feeling
- Fountain (Central Area)
- Hill of Albello
- Ishi-no-hiroba (Stone Square)
- Itii : 30th anniversary tree planting (Japanese Yew)
- Leaf
- Living with Forest
- Miserere X VII
- Monument
- Monument of the University of Library and Information Science
- Mural
- Muse Garden
- Nobel Prize in Chemistry award commemoration planting for Emeritus Professor Hideki Shirakawa (Akayashio)
- Pondering 3-12
- Statue of Mr. KANO Jigoro (Senshunen)
- Statue of Mr. TSUBOI Gendou
- Steel
- Stone pillar
- Sublimation
- University of Tsukuba Symbol Gate
- Whale